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Meet the team

Eileen DudleyEileen Dudley is a senior Programme Lead who leads on the Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme (MatNeo SIP) working with organisations across the region to improve outcomes for women and babies. Eileen has an MSc in Senior Healthcare Leadership with the NHS Leadership Academy and continues to practice clinically as a midwife. She is the project lead for the award-winning Intelligent Intermittent Auscultation (IIA) in labour programme.



Tara Gradwell

Tara Gradwell supports the MatNeo programmes. She has worked in the NHS for more than a decade, supporting maternity and clinical governance teams.





Lawrence Impey

Lawrence Impey is a Consultant in Obstetrics and the Lead for Fetal Medicine at Oxford University Hospitals (OUH) NHS Foundation Trust.​ ​He is the Clinical Lead for the regional Maternity & Neonatal Network. He is interested in patient safety in maternity care, primarily through the development of safe and equitable systems. He has published widely on breech birth, fetal growth and the role of labour in determining neonatal outcomes and is the author of the leading undergraduate textbook in obstetrics and gynaecology.


Anda Bowring

Anda Bowring is an Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practioner (ANNP) and is currently working on the registrar rota. She is the neonatal clinical audit lead at OUH. She is the MatNeo SIP Neonatal Clinical Clinical Improvement Lead for the regional MatNeo network.



Michelle EastMichelle East is the Lead Midwife for Clinical Governance and Quality at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust. She has worked across all areas of the maternity service and broadened this experience as both a resuscitation officer and a quality improvement facilitator. Michelle is also one of three regional improvement leads for the MatNeo SIP. She has a passion for quality improvement which was ignited during her early career which involved implementing change in IT organisations. Michelle is a Q member, a qualified project manager and has an MSc in medical simulation.


Meena Bhattia

Meena Bhatia is a Consultant Obstetrician at OUH. She is the Maternity Quality Improvement Lead at the Women’s Centre and is the regional representative for the NHS Clinical Leaders Improvement group. Meena has a passion for leading and participating in continuous improvement activities to enhance the quality of care delivered to patients. She led a qualitative project to support staff during the pandemic. She has also led a region-wide project to improve multidisciplinary handover in maternity which culminated in the creation of an international e-learning module and series of videos for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. She has led a number of regional initiatives to streamline clinical pathways and processes to eliminate variation.

Katherine Edwards

Katherine Edwards leads on Patient Safety and Clinical Improvement, running a large number of quality improvement projects across the region, and contributing to national patient safety programmes. Katherine has over 20 years’ experience working in the NHS and healthcare, starting her career in midwifery and progressing through clinical management of wards and departments.She moved into clinical research at the University of Oxford and onto quality improvement and patient safety, joining the Oxford AHSN (now Health Innovation Oxford and Thames Valley) in 2014. Throughout her career Katherine has been dedicated to improving healthcare through supporting healthcare staff, enabling systems to work efficiently and developing collaboration.