Happier teams provide better care to patients. It is now accepted that good culture in the NHS is crucial to ensure that patients receive high quality care and better outcomes. As teams work to improve systems and processes, it is important that teams better understand their own culture to identify what works well and what can be improved.
Each maternity and neonatal department in the collaborative is invited to undertake the SCORE survey locally. The survey is an internationally recognised way of measuring and understanding culture that exists within organisations and teams.
It is an anonymous, online tool that teams can use to assess their culture. It provides an overview but also detail in specific focus areas such as communication and staff burn out. Once the survey has been completed, the results are provided to that team alone for them to use to start conversations internally about what and how they would like to improve culture. The results are not shared with anyone else and will never be used for bench marking or performance management. The patient safety collaborative also assists with the debriefing the results of the survey to staff.