The Oxford AHSN is launching a call to partner organisations and industry to propose innovative solutions that could be adopted in healthcare across our region in 2015/16. We want to hear about products and technology which have made significant improvements to the quality of care and solved clinical issues.
We are looking for examples of outstanding practice and innovation across all areas of healthcare – primary, secondary and community care, mental health, ambulance service or tertiary care services. If you have made a positive difference to patient care within your organisation – or through integrated work across organisations – we want to hear from you and share your experiences across our area.
To make a proposal you need to complete this form. The closing date for proposals is 22 September 2014. Clinicians, patient representatives and procurement experts will review the proposals in detail in October. Depending on the quality of the proposals it is intended that the top ten chosen innovations will be supported for regional roll-out in 2015/16 and beyond.