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Past Events

Genomic medicine in the NHS: a legacy of the 100,000 Genomes Project

09.15-16.00 Richard Doll Building, Old Road Campus, Headington, Oxford OX3 7LF Meeting looking at the application of genomics in clinical medicine, exploring the achievements and legacy of the 100,000 Genomes Project. It will also look at how the new NHS Genomic Medicine Service will benefit patients and research, and what the changes will mean for clinicians. […]

Event Types: Partner event

Regional maternity shared learning event

09.00-13.00 Kassam Stadium, Oxford OX4 4XP Sixth regional maternity shared learning event for all working in all aspects of maternity care in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Milton Keynes. Speakers include: Professor Jacqueline Dunkley-Bent OBE, Head of Maternity, Children & Young People at NHS England and National Maternity Safety Champion for the Department of Health Sandy […]

Event Types: Patient Safety & Clinical Improvement

Working together – getting it right

09.30-16.00 Civic Centre, Didcot, OX11 7JN A one-day workshop exploring what helps and hinders effective patient and public involvement in healthcare, research and education. Supported by the Oxford AHSN with the following National Institute for Health Research bodies: Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) Oxford Oxford […]

What the industrial strategy means to the academic community

17.00-18.00 Said Business School, Oxford OX1 1HP Dr Ian Campbell, Interim Executive Chair of Innovate UK, discusses the implications of the Industrial Strategy for universities and research. Event organised by the Industrial Research Partnerships team at the University of Oxford. Further information and booking details here.  

Event Types: Partner event

Personalised healthcare: how can the NHS innovate at scale?

13.00-14.00 Webinar Advances in science and technology have the potential to transform NHS services and improve outcomes for patients. Now with developments in areas such as genomics and digital technology offering a more personalised approach to healthcare, what can the NHS do to benefit from these innovations? A King’s Fund event. Further information and booking details […]

Event Types: Partner event

How to lead in the NHS – and beyond

15.00-16.00 Lecture Theatre 1, Academic Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DU Dame Fiona Caldicott, National Data Guardian for Health and Social Care and Chairman of Oxford University Hospitals, will share insights from a lifetime in leadership roles including as a previous President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Chairman of the Academy of Medical Royal […]

Event Types: Partner event

CLAHRC Oxford symposium

09.00-15.00 Said Business School, Oxford OX1 1HP Event for policy makers, service users, researchers and clinicians focusing on successes in applied health and social care research during the lifetime of the NIHR Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) Oxford. The Oxford AHSN Chief Executive Professor Gary Ford and lay partner Douglas […]

Event Types: Partner event

The Hill relaunch

17.30-19.00 George Pickering Education Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX4 3DU The Hill, Oxford’s digital health innovation community supported by the Oxford AHSN, is relaunching its activities and bringing together a community of innovative people working to improve the NHS for patients and staff through digital technologies. Further information and booking details here

Event Types: Strategic and Industry Partnerships

Prevention v treatment

17.00-18.00 Oxford Martin School, Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3BD Why do we spend so little on preventing ill-health and so much on treating it? Prof Chris Dye, a former Director of Strategy at the World Health Organisation, explores why is it that if ‘prevention is better than cure’ spending priorities suggest the opposite? What are […]

Event Types: Partner event