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Past Events

Making new medicines

16.30-17.30 Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PW Nobel Laureate Sir Gregory Winter delivers the Norman Heatley lecture on harnessing the power of evolution for making new medicines: phage display of peptides and antibodies. Hosted by Professor Matthew Freeman. No booking required.

Event Types: Partner event

Crohn’s and colitis open evening

17.15-19.30 Lecture Theatre 1, Academic Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DU An opportunity to find out more about our work in inflammatory bowel disease and the latest research into the causes, treatment and monitoring of Crohn’s and colitis. Free event, open to all. Further information:

Event Types: Strategic and Industry Partnerships

BioThirstday networking

18.00-20.00 The Jam Factory, Hollybush Row, Oxford OX1 1HU Informal networking opportunity for all working in life sciences. Further information and booking details here. Organised by OBN.

Event Types: Partner event

Insomnia: why sleep matters

18.30-20.30 Holiday Inn, Aylesbury HP22 5QT An opportunity to find out more about the links between sleep and mental health – and the potential offered by digital healthcare in primary care to improve health and wellbeing. This event is primarily for healthcare professionals as part of the Sleepio Project, a non-drug approach for insomnia coordinated […]

Event Types: Clinical Innovation Adoption

What’s in store for health and care?

11.00-12.00 Webinar A King’s Fund event providing insights into key current and future aspects of the UK health and care landscape. Further information and booking details here.

Event Types: Partner event

Spreading innovation and improvement in the NHS

12.30-13.30 Webinar Expert panel including AHSN input explore challenges faced by those adopting ideas from elsewhere. The session includes practical examples of successful spread and offer tips on how to support more effective uptake of new ideas. A Health Foundation webinar. Further information and booking details here.

Event Types: Partner event AHSN Network

Systematic reviews: the past the present the future

17.30-18.30 Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JA ‘Making decisions and choices about health and social care needs access to high-quality evidence from research. Systematic reviews provide this by both highlighting the quality of existing studies and by themselves providing a high-quality summary.’ – Mike Clarke and Iain Chalmers Iain Chalmers, Carl Heneghan and […]

Event Types: Partner event

Preventing AF-related strokes

09.30-16.15 Worcester For commissioners, primary and secondary care providers, STP leads, medicine optimisation and other key stakeholders working to reduce strokes caused by atrial fibrillation. Part of the accelerating action and collaboration series of events. Further information and booking details here. Co-sponsored by the AHSN Network.

Event Types: Partner event Clinical Innovation Adoption AHSN Network

Bridging the Gap 2

09.00-16.30 Well Met Conferencing, Cloth Hall Court, Quebec Street, Leeds LS1 2HA Join the Commercial Directors from across the AHSN Network for a range of talks, workshops, one-to-one advice sessions and networking opportunities at event focused on helping patients benefit from new products and services. Open to all health technology companies. Further information and booking […]

Event Types: AHSN Network

Public co-applicants workshop

14.00-16.00 Seminar Room, Humanities Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Oxford National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) event for research staff and lay partners. More details here or on this poster >

Event Types: Partner event