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Past Events

Working together: an introduction

10.00-12.30 Unipart House, Cowley, Oxford OX4 6LN For people new to patient and public involvement. Suitable for healthcare professionals, researchers, patients, carers and the public. This is the last of a series of events running through 2018. See the full list here. Programme run in conjunction with the NIHR CLAHRC Oxford and Clinical Research Network […]

What’s the point of engaging the public in science and health research?

17.00-18.00 Lecture Theatre, Oxford Martin School, 34 Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3BD With Imran Khan, Head of Public Engagement at the Wellcome Trust. Further information and booking details here. This event is part of a series of talks under the heading: ‘Science and populism: from evidence to narrative’

Event Types: Partner event

Developments in urgent care research

09.00-17.00 The Ark Conference Centre, Basingstoke Celebrating urgent care research in the Thames Valley and Wessex including talks on developments in critical care, anaesthesia and injuries and emergencies. Organised and hosted by the National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Networks. Further information and booking details here.

Event Types: Partner event Research and Development

Artificial intelligence: opportunities for health and care

13.00-14.00 Webinar Webinar exploring the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) – and the benefits for patients, citizens and people delivering care. Speakers include Nick de Pennington, digital innovation and population health lead at Oxford University Hospitals. A King’s Fund event. Further information and booking details here.

Event Types: Partner event

Facilitating large scale change

12.30-13.30 Webinar Induction to webinar series running through November/December. Run by the NHS England Sustainable Improvement team. Further information and booking details here.

Event Types: Partner event

Sepsis and deterioration webinar

18.30-19.30 Webinar  Focusing on sepsis, the deteriorating patient and admission avoidance. With Matt Inada-Kim, National Clinical Advisor for Sepsis (NHS England) and Deterioration (NHS Improvement). Matt is also Clinical Lead for Deterioration and Sepsis, Wessex Patient Safety Collaborative (PSC), and has worked closely with the Oxford PSC. Join the webinar here. Read more about our work […]

Event Types: AHSN Network Patient Safety & Clinical Improvement

Leading the way

10.00-16.30 Madejski Stadium, Reading NHS south region conference for responsible officers delivering improvements to patient care. Details to follow.

Event Types: Partner event

Thames Valley Reporting Excellence launch event

09.00-17.00 University of Reading, The Meadow Suite, Park House, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 6UA Event marking the launch of TREx – Thames Valley Reporting Excellence, a community and network of healthcare professionals who champion excellence reporting, supported by the Oxford Patient Safety Collaborative. Further information and booking details here.

Event Types: Partner event Patient Safety & Clinical Improvement

Sharing practice for safer paediatric gastrostomy at home

10.00-16.00 Academic Centre, Milton Keynes University Hospital, Standing Way, Eaglestone, Milton Keynes MK6 5LD Supporting, enabling and empowering parents to provide the safest care for their children – sharing experience, knowledge and best practice. Includes contributions from parents and hands-on training sessions. Regional event organised by the Oxford Patient Safety Collaborative Specialised Paediatric Care programme. […]

Event Types: Patient Safety & Clinical Improvement

Going further and faster to reduce strokes related to atrial fibrillation

08.30-10.00 ICC, Birmingham Session led by AHSNs as part of Heart Rhythm Congress which runs 7-10 October. Includes contribution from Hannah Oatley, Oxford AHSN Clinical Innovation Adoption manager, on developing specialist pharmacists to optimise anti-coagulant therapy. Details of the session here Further information and booking details for the Heart Rhythm Congress here Read more about […]

Event Types: Clinical Innovation Adoption AHSN Network