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Past Events

Putting empathy into practice

09.00-16.00 Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London W1G 0AE This workshop will cover the theory and practice of empathy in healthcare, showing how individuals can enhance empathy in their own work and in their organisations.   Dr Sian Rees, Director of Patient and Public Involvement, Engagement and Experience at Oxford AHSN, and Dr Jeremy Howick, […]

Evidence-based manifesto for better healthcare

17.30-19.00 Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JA  Professor Carl Heneghan will discuss University of Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine initiatives that have grown out of Evidence Live, a yearly conference designed to “develop, disseminate, and implement better evidence for better healthcare”. In preparation for this talk you are invited to read the following […]

Event Types: Partner event

Excellence in cancer

09.00-16.00 Kassam Stadium, Grenoble Road, Oxford OX4 4XP Thames Valley Cancer Alliance annual conference. Further information and booking details here.

Event Types: Partner event

Statistical methods for diagnostic accuracy in medical research

Worcester College, Oxford Final day of three days of diagnostic evidence workshops organised by the National Institute for Health Research Community Healthcare Medtech and In vitro diagnostics Co-operative (MIC). Aimed at all involved in diagnostic tests including people working in industry, academia, research funding and regulatory affairs. Topics covered include how to obtain regulatory approval, how […]

Event Types: Partner event

Research and innovation with the life science industry

09.00-16.00 Missenden Abbey, Great Missenden, Bucks HP16 OBD Seventh annual cardiovascular symposium organised by the National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network Thames Valley and South Midlands. Further information here.

Event Types: Partner event

Cost-effective analysis of diagnostic tests for development and adoption

Worcester College, Oxford Second day of three days of diagnostic evidence workshops organised by the National Institute for Health Research Community Healthcare Medtech and In vitro diagnostics Co-operative (MIC). Aimed at all involved in diagnostic tests including people working in industry, academia, research funding and regulatory affairs. Topics covered include how to obtain regulatory approval, how […]

Event Types: Partner event

Introduction to evaluation of diagnostics

Worcester College, Oxford First day of three days of diagnostic evidence workshops organised by the National Institute for Health Research Community Healthcare Medtech and In vitro diagnostics Co-operative (MIC). Aimed at all involved in diagnostic tests including people working in industry, academia, research funding and regulatory affairs. Topics covered include how to obtain regulatory approval, how […]

Event Types: Partner event

Allied health professionals networking event

09.30-16.00 Unipart House, Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2PG Regional networking, learning and sharing event for allied health professionals (AHPs). Reflecting on impacts for patients, carers, communities and populations with focus on: advanced clinical practice toolkit retention and return to practice sustainability and transformation mentorship and work-based learning A Health Education England event Register here. Further […]

Event Types: Partner event

Lifting the lid on antibiotics

10.00-12.00 Corn Exchange, Witney Professor Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence-based Medicine at the University of Oxford, discussed issues around antibiotics. Free event, open to all. Organised by Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Healthwatch Oxfordshire Further information here.

Event Types: Partner event