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Past Events

Meet the NHS Innovation Accelerator

14.00-16.00 Best Western Chilworth Manor Hotel, Chilworth, Southampton SO16 7PT Free information event for healthcare innovators. Hear more about the NHS Innovation Accelerator 2018 Call, including details of the application process Find out about the benefits of being an NIA Fellow Meet the NIA team Learn what makes for a strong scaling plan, as revealed by […]

Event Types: AHSN Network Partner event

Active Oxfordshire – working together

09.00-12.30 Oxford Witney Hotel, Ducklington Lane, Witney OX28 4EX First Active Oxfordshire engagement event. Further information and booking details here.

Event Types: Partner event

Venturefest Oxford

08.00-19.00 Oxford Brookes University Headington Campus 20th annual Venturefest Oxford event bringing together entrepreneurs and innovators, showcasing technology, applications and providing opportunities to engage with business and investors. The focus will be on four key areas from Oxfordshire’s 2017 Science and Innovation Audit report: digital health/life sciences space-led data application autonomous vehicles/robotics technologies underpinning quantum computing. […]

Event Types: Partner event Strategic and Industry Partnerships

Adopting innovation and managing change – education and sharing event

09.30-14.45 Kassam Stadium, Grenoble Road, Oxford, OX4 4XP The Oxford AHSN and Bucks New University have delivered the novel Adopting Innovation and Managing Change in Healthcare Settings programme to NHS staff, partners and commissioners within the Oxford AHSN region since 2016. More than 90 people have already taken part in this programme which is funded […]

Event Types: Clinical Innovation Adoption

Bucks HSC Ventures launch

17.00-19.30 The Room, Bucks New University, High Wycombe HP11 2JZ Launch of the health and social care start-up programme for innovators in Buckinghamshire. Bucks HSC Ventures aims to solve health and social care issues by accelerating business innovations to market. It will work directly with health and social care providers to ensure new business ideas […]

Event Types: Strategic and Industry Partnerships Partner event

Emergency department collaborative

09.30-16.00 Academic Centre, Milton Keynes Hospital, Standing Way, Eaglestone, MK6 5LD  Third meeting of the regional emergency department collaborative bringing together clinicians from EDs across the Oxford AHSN region. Topics on the agenda include: Developing a positive safety culture Frequent attenders – mental health Establishing a regional ED research collaborative National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) […]

Event Types: Patient Safety & Clinical Improvement

Health and Care Innovation Expo

  Manchester Central The Health and Care Innovation Expo is the only major conference in England focused on innovation across all aspects of health and social care. The Oxford AHSN is working with colleagues from all AHSNs as the AHSN Network. Come and find us alongside the Innovator Zone (Stand 101). The Oxford AHSN and its […]

Event Types: Strategic and Industry Partnerships AHSN Network Clinical Innovation Adoption Patient safety Partner event

Involving the public in research: real world experiences

10.30-11.30 Room 3, Gibson Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Road, Oxford An opportunity for researchers and research managers to learn from colleagues who have involved patients and public in research projects. Event chaired by Dr Anne-Marie Boylan. Hosted by the University of Oxford Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences. Supported by the National Institute […]

Event Types: Partner event

GDPR and clinical research

11.00-13.00 Lecture Theatre, Richard Doll Building, University of Oxford, Old Road Campus, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7FL A seminar to discuss the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its relevance to clinical research. Contributions from Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, the University of Oxford and the Health Research Authority. Panel discussion chaired by Professor Keith Channon. Further information and […]

Event Types: Research and Development Partner event