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Past Events

Technology showcase: therapeutics, small molecules and biologics

  12.00-18.30 Said Business School, Oxford OX1 1HP Leading researchers, healthcare professionals and industry figures will come together to focus on the latest innovations and commercial opportunities in key areas including therapeutics, small molecules and biologics. Download the programme for the annual technology showcase here. Areas to be addressed include: small molecule discovery vaccines experimental medicine […]

Event Types: Partner event Strategic and Industry Partnerships

New horizons in health and social care

09.30-16.30 Hilton Reading, RG2 0GQ NHS England South Medical Directorate annual conference. It aims to answer the following questions: How can a community asset-based approach be used to improve the health of our patient-citizens? What are the opportunities, developments, and challenges in genomic medicine and precision healthcare? What we can learn from system-wide leaders to […]

Event Types: Partner event

Introduction to the Rosalind Franklin Institute

13.00-14.30 Oxford Martin School, 34 Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3BD An opportunity to find out about the Rosalind Franklin Institute, a new national research body based at Harwell dedicated to bringing about transformative changes in life science through interdisciplinary research and technology development. The RFI aims to develop unique new techniques and tools and apply them for the […]

Event Types: Partner event

Writing for lay audiences

10.00-12.30 Oxford AHSN, Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park OX4 4GA For people with some experience of patient and public involvement. Suitable for patients, researchers and others. This is part of a series of events running through 2018. See the full list here. Programme run in conjunction with the NIHR CLAHRC Oxford and Clinical Research Network […]

BioThirstday networking

17.30-20.00 Ipsen, 102 Park Drive, Milton Park Ox14 4RY Life-sciences networking event organised by OBN. Further information and booking details here.

Event Types: Partner event

People are messy – film

18.00-20.30 Penultimate Picture Palace, Jeune Street, East Oxford OX4 1BN Free screening of film about patient engagement followed by food and discussion. People are messy was commissioned in collaboration with the Theatre of Debate supported by the National Institute for Health Research. It tells the story of two young men with a rare inherited blood disorder. […]

Event Types: Partner event

Living well with dementia

12.30-16.30 Kassam Stadium, Grenoble Road, Oxford OX4 4XP Interactive workshop for clinicians and health and social care workers from primary, acute, secondary, community & social care and care homes who are interested in improving care for people diagnosed with dementia. Organised by the NHS Thames Valley Strategic Clinical Network. Further information and booking details here.

Event Types: Partner event Patient safety

I “Heart” technology

19.30-21.30 St Aldates Tavern, Oxford OX1 1BU Focus on how technology is allowing cardiovascular disease to be investigated in new and exciting ways. Further information and booking details here. Event supported by the British Heart Foundation. There is a small charge for this event which is part of the Pint of Science Festival.

Event Types: Partner event

What’s Q for you?

12.30-1.30 Webinar Follow up to welcome event for new Oxford AHSN Q Community members. Further information here. More on the Oxford AHSN Q Community – and how to apply to join it – here.

Event Types: Partner event Patient safety

Understanding pain

19.30-21.30 Jericho Tavern, Oxford OX2 6AE Understanding pain – from speedbumps to newborns. Further information and booking details here. There is a small charge for this event which is part of the Pint of Science Festival.

Event Types: Partner event