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Past Events

Making the economic case to NICE for new health technologies

10.00-13.00 Richard Doll Lecture Theatre, Health Economics Research Centre (HERC), Old Road Campus, University of Oxford OX3 7LF Before they can be adopted into the NHS, new interventions and technologies are formally evaluated by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Cost-effectiveness is typically a key factor in NICE evaluations. This symposium will […]

Event Types: Partner event Strategic and Industry Partnerships

Can we really replace the hospital?

1830-1915 Said Business School, Oxford OX1 1HP Professor Dan Lasserson, Clinical Lead, Acute Hospital at Home Service, Oxford University Hospitals, and Professor of Acute Ambulatory Care, University of Warwick, explains how digital innovations and technologies can be deployed in the home and care home and how research can help ensure the best possible care outside […]

Event Types: Partner event

How can we make digital care technologies more environmentally and socially sustainable?

0930-1300 Webinar This online workshop for technology, care, housing, and sustainability professionals will build on the key findings of a collaborative research project investigating ways of improving the social benefits and reducing the environmental impact of digital technologies in sheltered housing. Further information and booking details

Event Types: Partner event Environmental Sustainability

Mechanical thrombectomy: communities of practice, improving access and quality

1230-1345 Webinar This webinar will discuss the delivery of mechanical thrombectomy (MT) interventions in England, and inform you how the upcoming guidance can support trusts to learn from best practice and drive wider access. The NHS Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) and national stroke programmes are working on guidance which will bring together data […]

Event Types: Partner event

Digital and data summit

0900-1630 Select Car Leasing Stadium, Reading A Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire West Integrated Care System event focusing on improving lives and experiences through building collective digital and data maturity. Topics include AI diagnostics, virtual care and more. Further information and booking details

Event Types: Partner event Clinical Innovation Adoption

Ensuring virtual wards are a positive future option

1200-1300 Online event Panel discussion covering: how to build a model for sustainable virtual wards that meets the immediate challenges of the health and care system, but also aligns with the NHS vision and aspirations what patients and communities want from virtual wards and how their voices can shape future services opportunities for virtual services […]

Event Types: Partner event Clinical Innovation Adoption

Innovate Awards ceremony

1900-2300 De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms, Covent Garden, London Second year of the AHSN Network/AHSN Confederation awards. Further information and booking details. There is a charge for this event.

Event Types: Partner event AHSN Network

ABHI sustainability conference

1300-1600 Online When assessing the reduction of emissions holistically, the NHS has outlined that one of its greatest areas of opportunity, and challenge, lies with its supplier base. As a key part of that supply chain, the UK’s healthtech industry will be a significant player in the decarbonisation challenge. This event will cover how to […]

Event Types: Partner event

A practical guide to lipids management

1300-1400 Webinar A practical guide to lipid management including patient case studies for GPs, practice nurses, advanced nurse practitioners, pharmacists and paramedic practitioners. Hosted by Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN. This session will be recorded and also repeated on 31 October. Further information and booking details

Event Types: Clinical Innovation Adoption AHSN Network Cardiovascular disease