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Pharmacy enhanced roles

In October 2020, a survey was sent to pharmacists asking questions around current and future roles of pharmacists in supporting the severe asthma pathway. Pharmacists fed back that they could further contribute to the pathway by supporting identification and referral of at-risk patients, screening in-patients and establishing pharmacist-led clinics and training. The role of the pharmacist survey results .

In March 2021, a Pharmacy Clinical Sub-group, comprising pharmacists from all sectors, was established.  The sub-group has developed and presented a paper to the Working Group in June 2021 on the Pharmacy Role in Supporting Medicines Optimisation in Respiratory Medicine . This proposes a standardised integrated role for pharmacists where they lead on medicines optimisation and adherence for people with asthma. This was supported by the Working Group.

Resource toolkit to support embedding new roles


Job descriptions

Case studies